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The Beginning of the Great Depression, 1930’s
 by Christina T. and Kimberley P.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,…”(Dickens, 1859). Though he lived before the Great Depression, no words are as befitting this period as those written by Charles Dickens. Most individuals who lived through the Great Depression, and historians alike, would agree that it was definitely “the worst of times.” But in that same sentiment, the people had only “the best of times” ahead of them, "the season of Light…the spring of hope…” Though this might seem contradictory of the Great Depression one envisions, with its world of suffering and tremendous strife, there was still hope. It was that “Light” that came in a time of “Darkness,” the president whom everyone came to love...President Franklin D. Roosevelt. With his hopeful promises of a New Deal and his assuaging fireside chats, President Roosevelt inspired and calmed a hurting nation, easing them back on track (Jones, et al., 2010).

We invite you to join us on our journey, as we explore the twists and turns that led our nation down the road to the Great Depression. Whether catching a glimpse of it's effects on individuals and communities, reviewing the political changes that halted it's progression, or imagining the emotions of the time as President Roosevelt spoke of his New Deal, we hope you enjoy this look back into a trying, but crucial time in our American History.
Dickens, C. A tale of two cities; 1859. The Online Literature Library. Accessed November 8, 2010.

Jones, Wood, Borstelmann, May, Ruiz. Created Equal, Brief Edition, Volume 2, 3/e, eBook. Part Eight.
Accessed November 8, 2010.

Photo: “Migrant Mother” 1936 Feb. or Mar. Lange, Dorothea; photographer. Farm Security Administration - Office of War Information Photograph Collection; Accessed November 8, 2010.